Steps To Follow Before Listing Your Home

Steps To Follow Before Listing Your Home

Selling your home is an exciting proposition. The idea of a fresh start evokes a sense of adventure and possibility. Selling property can bring a healthy profit, but only if you sell the right way. The days of sticking a for sale sign in the front yard are long over and today's market calls for little prep work. The good news? The process is straightforward and, with the help of a good agent, it can be easy and enjoyable.

Find an excellent real estate agent

Working with a qualified real estate agent is crucial to the home selling process. Although Southern California real estate and Hollywood Hills homes seem to sell themselves, there’s a wizard behind the curtain making the magic happen—the real estate agent.
Your agent is an invaluable resource who can streamline your selling process and help you get the most for your property. Agents are tuned in to the market climate and stay apprised of trends and predictions. When you work with a knowledgeable agent, you benefit from every client experience they have under their belt. Realtors bring an incredible wealth of knowledge to your home and can advise you every step of the way. What does this mean for you? A faster sale with more profit.

Consider curb appeal

In real estate, first impressions are everything—and your home's first impression starts with curb appeal. Buyers will judge your house from the moment they turn onto your street, so you want your property to look as beautiful and inviting as possible. Some buyers opt to drive by the house before committing to an open house or walk-through appointment, and if they don't like what they see, they won't come back to see the heart of the home.
Lush landscaping, beautiful flowers, and a neatly manicured front walkway are all ways you can spruce up your front yard. Hire or speak with your landscaping service about putting extra care into tidying up the front yard, driveway, and walkway. The front porch and entryway are also essential. Consider a fresh coat of paint on the front door and ensure the patio is swept clean and free of dust. The entryway should be clean, welcoming, and free of clutter.

Schedule a pre-inspection

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Most buyers will arrange a home inspection once their offer has been accepted. The home inspector goes through the property with a fine tooth comb, checking for issues and investigating everything from the roof and water heater to the foundation and air conditioning.
The home inspection process can make or break a sale. If the inspector discovers a leak in the ceiling or shoddy shingle work on the roof, the buyer may be skittish to invest. Scheduling an inspection before listing allows you to make any necessary repairs ahead of time. If the inspector finds that the roof needs to be replaced over the next three years, you can disclose that in the listing so there are no surprises later, which lends you credibility as a seller.

Check for repairs

The pre-inspection will reveal any necessary repairs you may not have known about, but conducting your own home walk-through is equally as illuminating. Bring a notebook or iPad and investigate every inch of the house. Are there loose doorknobs? Do the baseboards have scuff marks? Does the house need a fresh coat of paint?
This is your opportunity to see your home through the eyes of a stranger. Things you overlook from day to day will pop out to a potential buyer, so examine every inch and take the necessary steps to fix any issues.

Declutter and depersonalize

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Buying a new home is an aspirational experience. When buyers walk into a property, they want to see themselves living their best, most successful life there. Stepping into someone else's mess can dash that dreamy vision and send buyers to the next house on their list. An organized, neutral base is essential to your home sale success, so take time to get your house in order.
Donate unwanted items and throw away anything that’s broken or out of service. Make sure floors and desktops are clear of clutter, kitchen countertops are organized, and bathrooms are tidy. Box up anything you don't need. Buyers will snoop, so clean out and organize every closet and cabinet in the house. You may also want to store any valuables or sentimental items.
Personal mementos should take a vacation while your home is on display. Remember, the buyer wants to envision their life here, not yours. The same goes for your furry friends. Contain pet supplies and toys in a closet or drawer, and make arrangements for your furry friend to spend time away during open houses or viewings.

Clean, Clean, Clean

Photo courtesy of Peter and Cindy Lorimer
Before you list your home, make sure it sparkles. Roll up your elbows, or hire a cleaning service and scrub until the whole place shines. Pay particular attention to bathrooms and the kitchen, but everything should be spotless. Mantle pieces, light fixtures, pool furniture—everything. This is one of the most important steps of your pre-listing process. Once your home is clean, your agent may want to do a walk-through to ensure everything looks sharp.

Hire a staging company

Staging dramatically affects your home selling success, even in a seller's market. A luxury property's beautiful lines and gorgeous windows may be masked by dated furniture or a cramped interior design scheme. Proper staging highlights your home's best features and creates a stunning neutral base. This is critical for a blank slate feel, which allows buyers to see your house as their new home. Luxe staging creates an atmosphere of posh living and evokes an immediate sense of envy in a buyer—precisely the feeling you want to inspire.
If you’d like to discuss listing your home with Jose Navarro, call 805.506.9009 or connect with him here.

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